Your health can be drastically affected by what you do every day. Some statistics say that we spend more than 90,000 hours of our lives working. Our careers take up an enormous amount of the hours of our lives, which means what you do matters a lot.
Learning how to balance our careers with the rest of our lives is important for overall wellness, too. It’s crucial to know how to set boundaries at work and in our businesses so we always take good care of ourselves. A balanced career approach will allow us all to lead fulfilling professional and personal lives.
Understanding how Careers affect your health at a basic level, your Careers is all about what we do for work every day so we can pay our bills and take care of our families. The reason we take this element so seriously as holistic wellness coaches is that it has such a huge impact on our health.
You can consider various things about your career path when thinking about it from a wellness perspective. Don’t be afraid to dig into why you do what you do. If it’s a passion-driven career, how do you create boundaries for rest, grounding, and being balanced in other areas of your life? If your job is more of a functional part of your life, how do you find passion and fulfilment in other areas of your life? In both types of work, it’s important to set boundaries so that self-care and nurturing relationships gets the attention it deserves.
Careers and Balance
This is a big part of Wellness 360 and your holistic health. We think about how to create a work-life balance in the best ways that we can. No matter whether you love your career or you hate it, it’s important to find wellness and fulfilment in your life. Since careers often take up so much of our time and energy, they can become all-encompassing if we’re not careful. Spend some time thinking about how to create that balance in your life.
Just remember that your career is about work and effort, but it doesn’t have to only be about that. You can figure out how to bring in the purpose and passion in ways that work for your lifestyle and needs. It’s always about working toward that balance that brings well-being.
Balancing the Careers Element
The Careers element can be a tricky one to balance, but it is also an element with a high level of rewards. When this element is out of balance it can throw off all the other elements in the Wellness 360 wheel in drastic ways.
If your work life is stressful and feels negative, it can be hard to thrive in relationships, eat healthfully, and sleep well. The impact of your career on your life is strong. This is one element you don’t want to skip when it comes to balancing.
Here are a few ways to get started in balancing your Careers.
1. Evaluate your current career.
Take some time to really sit with your current job and the career path you’re following. This might be a good one for a mindfulness session, followed by a journaling session. Contemplate how your current relationship with your work feels.
2. Explore alternate career paths.
Often, the busyness of life can sweep us in directions we didn’t intend to go. So often, people find themselves 10 or more years into a career they didn’t consciously choose and don’t really find meaningful. It’s never too late to change things up!
If wellness is your passion, you might enjoy a new career as a Health and Wellness Coach. You can find out more about the opportunities available in this path by clicking here. It can be a truly fulfilling way to make a big difference in the lives of others.
3. Make time for other passions.
While it’s great to be passionate about work, it’s important to not become a workaholic. Life is big and beautiful, full of amazing things to discover and enjoy. Taking good care of yourself means making sure you don’t only do work.
Let go of time wasters that aren’t bringing you joy and dive into interests you’ve always wanted to try. Maybe there’s an instrument you’ve always wanted to play or a skill you’ve always wanted to learn. Find ways to build a meaningful life beyond your career. It will improve your well-being in important and expansive ways.
4. Do a Wellness 360 check.
Ensure that the other elements in the Wellness 360 wheel are in balance and not negatively impacting your Careers element. Perhaps your Rest element is out of whack and affecting your performance at work. Or maybe your Relationships element needs some work so you don’t feel emotionally distressed throughout the day.
Finding balance in your wellness practice involves consciously taking stock of all areas of your life. The more that each element comes into balance, the more that others can also balance out.
Book your free discovery session with Wellness Emma and get living your best life.